Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog is activating NOW!!!!!

To all authors,

Please start to post something new or this blog will be close forever. The fans are waiting our new post and they are excited to enjoy it. I know most of us are busy to do internship but this is one of our Amal Jariah to give information that good for everyone. If you love this blog please react as fast as possible.

Aiman Ajmal @ Brontorquer

Please visit me at :


BujanG BahaGia said...

balak, ko jgn wat aiman marah...!

aku post sekarang..bujang xberapa nak bahagia sejak dua menjak ni

brandon flowers said...

demi menyahut seruan amar makruf nahi mungkar, aku terima sahutan brontoquer dengan hati yang redha. InsyaAllah, mlm ni ana akan cuba postkan seswatu buat fan2 EPL di luar sana.